Oct 10 – Group Project: Characters, Strengths, Weaknesses

Written by: Create Great Stories
November 27, 2024

Each class brainstormed a lot of ideas for story characters and some strengths and weaknesses for those characters. The lists each class created is below.

Class E


Minecraft Steve, Skinny Bob, dragon, Candy monster, Dog, Bread, Student, Fat Bob, Policeman, Chicken, Mailman, Watermelon, Pigeon,, Peacock, Little Einstein, Ghost, Time traveler, Cat, Murderer, Over roasted carrot, Banana joe, Grapefruit, Princess, Wesley, Prince, King, Queen, Troll, Snowman, Evil snowman, crazy elephant, Super Mario / video game person, tomato pirate, super cucumber, evil zucchini, evil duck, chameleon, rebellious potato, evil tsar
Attributes, five arms, short, clever, blonde, silly, dead, fearful, brave, deaf, dumb, crazy, melting, charismatic, sick, big mouth, small eyes, tiny ears, missing leg, mute, traumatic, 3 tongues, 30 eyeballs, Cute, Cuddly, Sigma jawline, Grizzler, Skippity, Asleep, Headless, Blind, Mischievous


Wisdom, Friendship, Karate, paper armor, brute force (strong!), Knowing the Bible, Brave, Nitro fist, Short


Kryptonite, Fire, mute and deaf, big, knowing YMCA, “can’t stop”, Blind, Small, Fear, Deformed, sting or stung, ignitable

Class F


Knight, Dragon, Larry cucumber, Gymnast, Bob tomato, time traveler, happy Green Man with spiky hair, cat, nanny, rice boiler, Taco, Larry leaf, Princess, hank’s cowboy, superhero, baseball player, fairy, aunt, uncle, Gardner, rice farmer, xenomorph, whale, werewolf, attributes, tall, three arms, brave, short-4 feet, Hairy, Dying, Disgusting, Ugly, Spiky, Stinky, Deathly, death ray eyes, can fly, slimy, grimy, dangerous, mentally insane, dusty, handsome, stuck up, plays basketball, romantic, scales, fire breathing, bratty, clumsy, fat, happy, chunky, flexible, invincible, glowing, iridescent


Always happy, physically strong, superpower strength, speed, can fly, kindness, shape shifting, human torch, swim, flexible, great chess player, beautiful, sneaky, invisible, light, tiny, extra long vision, X-ray vision, Unbreakable, Smart, Chivalrous, Brave, Sick


Football stuck in hair, scared all the time, zesty, sick or sickly, can’t swim, sad, mean, physically weak, broken arm-injured, too kind, little, people pleaser, not confident… Insecure, water destroys body (can regenerate), allergies, can’t see, dyslexic, dying or dead, can’t shoot a basketball, deaf, disabled

Class G


Kid who morphs into animals, green slimy cat with three eyes who lives in the sea, Guinea pig that can read minds, alligator in wheelchair, hedgehog lives in cake cave, famous horse actor who sings hit neigh, lizard turtle dinosaur, super paper towel who can talk, secret agent chicken, hot dog who eats buns, human with Unicorn horn and wings, acorn that grows up, owl in daytime, basketball no air but flies, 3 legged stool who eats lunches, pencil man can write with fingers, snow globe can shrink person and civilization, fruit loop, bag can hold anything, twins, kids forced to work together, tree can produce any fruit, attributes, Slimy, Scaly, tomato shape like pirate, X-ray vision, seeing future, produces infinite marshmallows, Lousy basketball player, amputated right arm, disability, tall, loves chess, short, green eyes, obsessed, skippity, super smell, herder


Sparkling, good at soccer, smell, smart, physically strong, super math solving, camouflage, W, Healthy, Tall, quick minded, wise, big or smooth brain, have rizzy, crazy, childish, imaginative, emotional, think things through, impulsive, X-ray vision, Shining, Mature


Arrogant, falls asleep unexpectedly, lazy, loves ice cream, hubris, sleepy, obsessive, physically weak, stuck on self, not smart, disabled, blind, deaf, needs meds, can’t talk mute, scared, scary, loves dogs, explodes when too happy, talks too much

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