Television is passive. Reading is active. Writing is fully engaging.

Television is passive. Reading is active. Writing is fully engaging.

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Full Engagement

Stories are all around us. We have movies (of rapidly decreasing quality, unfortunately) and television that we can watch without any effort. Sometimes we are moved by the stories but most of the time, they are simple entertainment.

Reading is a much more immersive experience. When we read fiction, our imagination and thoughts are far more active. We see the characters as we interpret them. We think ahead of the action and try to figure out what happens next. We are emotionally invested in the characters and the plot. It is a very active participation.

Writing goes beyond reading. Writing requires not just our imagination and guessing what happens next. In writing fiction, we are using all of our logic and analysis and memories and emotions. We think through what our protagonist desires. We figure out an antagonist that wants to thwart those desires. We create the conflicts that drive the story forward, to either success or failure. We determine all the characters in the story and whether they’re allies or foes or a mixture of both. We think through the alternatives and choose the one that is both realistic and unexpected.

Writing takes so much more mental and emotional energy than our other activities. In fact, it’s common for writers to speak and act out parts so there’s even a physical aspect to writing. There’s also the revision process that brings in other analysis and changes, engaging a more rigorous logic and critical thinking. The whole process is fully active and fully engaging while at the same time providing such enjoyment.

Great writing takes a great deal of effort but it pays off in so many ways. Once you have finished writing a great story, there’s a satisfaction that comes that far surpasses anything that watching or reading can provide. There’s a deeper meaning to you. You know you’ve accomplished something creative and new and exciting. There’s just nothing like completing a well written story. Not only is the process enjoyable but there’s a payoff that puts the whole effort into a much higher plane of meaning.

Written by Create Great Stories

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