We’re finally able to contribute stories to the group page! It’s a great time to share your stories with your classmates, parents, and friends. The process is very easy:
– Mail the story directly to the teacher from Google Docs. Use File > Email. Enter the teacher’s email address.
○ Be sure to change the format from PDF to Microsoft Word. Using the Word format makes it much faster to post the stories.
– Bring the handwritten story to the teacher. Your teacher will take photos of the story, then get it converted into text.
○ For stories with hand-drawn pictures, the images of the story may be used so nothing is lost.
If there is something scary about your story, it will be given a simple password. We don’t want younger siblings to read something that their parents would not approve. You can share the password with your friends and parents.
We’re hoping to have several stories posted by the end of the school year!